Continuity and innovation since 1946
Ideally qualified employees, 50 of the most up-to-date CNC machine tools, a 3,500m2 assembly zone, and generous storage facilities (around 9,200m2 roofed space) enable us to produce a broad spectrum of products.
We provide our customers with tailored solutions relating to automation technology and design and realize factory automation systems as a single-source supplier. We also manufacture entire machines and plants right from the component stage in accordance with your orders.
RILE flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
Can also be used as individual modules
Automation of work pieces (pallets) and tools
Reduces production lead times – increases flexibility
Mobile loading cell - Innovative loading and unloading system boosts flexibility and productivity
With our mobile loading cell and integral robot, RILE demonstrates how simple and at the same time highly flexible the automatic feeding of machine tools can be
Mobile loading cell - Application Example
Mobile loading and unloading Cell from RILE with Motoman handling robot from Yaskawa automates machine tools at Mahlo
Mobile loading cell - Application Example
Loading/unloading of a 5-axis milling machine with our mobile loading cell
System Integration - Application Example
For the company AXA Entwicklungs- und Maschinenbau GmbH we realized the automatic loading and unloading of a AXA VPC machine by a KUKA robot.
Mobile Loading Cell - by vises - application example
Loading/unloading of a 5-axis milling machine through indirect work piece handling

This principle is a decisive factor in our success.
We are small enough to work in a flexible and productive manner yet large enough to provide uncompromising customer orientation.
Customers pick up on this attitude when they talk with their personal contact partner.
All contact partners epitomize reliability and continuity.
These principles are applied consistently at RILE. Why? Because we want to be successful!
And ensuring that our customers are satisfied is the best way to do this.

Company founded by partners Mr. Petram, Mr. Trenkel, Mr. Bauer, and Mr. Lesser from the remains of a major repair facility for servicing motor vehicles at the battle front in Minsk;
the company, trading as Kraftfahrzeug-Instandhaltungswerk GmbH, was based in an old granary at Deggendorf train station.
Cylinder grinding,
motor vehicle servicing
Lesser KG car dealership founded by Lesser after withdrawal of partners
RILE KG founded after Riedinger and Lesser split from Autohaus Lesser; the first two letters of each name were used to form the name RILE; mold construction for rubber and plastics industry (new division); extension of product range to include telescopic hydraulic cylinders and cutting and punching tools.
Withdrawal of Riedinger from the company.
Adoption of corporate management by Mrs. Lesser (limited partner) following the death of Mr. Lesser.

Move to current company premises at Graflingerstraße 226
Start of a new era - acquisition of first numerically controlled boring machine; specialization in pure contract manufacturing.
Extension of machine stock to include CNC machining center with automatic tool changers; production of highly complex parts added to versatile part production range.

First extension of main premises; production of components and complete machines incl. assembly.
2nd extension to factory premises as a result of constant investment in the CNC machining center area.
New construction of a factory hall for large machining centers with special base plates.
Addition of a separate assembly hall; extension of machine stock to include CNC measuring machines in order to document compliance with quality requirements demanded by customers and the company itself.

Extension of assembly hall.
New construction of a sole-purpose assembly hall; addition of extra storey to office premises.
New construction of a hall for steel construction work; total area of company's premises now 32,000m2 with a factory area of 11,000m2.
Peter Radlsbeck (Dipl.-Ing) steps in as managing partner; supply of components for precision parts incl. raw material procurement and assembly; handling of major orders in the assembly field.
RILE Roboter und Anlagentechnik GmbH (system vendor for factory automation) founded; problem solving in the area of automation technology and system supply of machine tools.
RILE Production Logistic Technology Group (holding group for operational company) founded; service provider group for production and logistics technologies.
Development and manufacturing of production lines (series production) for CDs and DVDs (optical discs).
Development and assembly of depalletizing robots for the tobacco industry (prototypes and pilot production).

Investment offensive 2010: Within two years, over 12 million euros were invested in large machining centers, milling and turning centers, and vertical turning and boring mills for the production of parts for large concerns with a focus on the raw materials and energy industry.
Manufacturing of color decks for bank notes
Extension of hall capacity by 1,500m2 and creation of car park for 300 employees.

Extension of production hall capacity by 1,800 m2. Commissioning of a milling/turning centre for a diameter of 1,600mm and a vertical turning and boring centre for a diameter of 2,800mm, two Burkhardt + Weber machining centers with X= 2800, Y= 2200, Z= 1800 traverse paths, and one Heller machining centre for the production of small parts.
New Construction of a two-floor logistic hub, in which products can be deburred, order picked and packed. The logistics center is also equipped with a 20 tons crane, which can be used outside the center in order to unload goods directly from the trucks or to load them. Acquisition of an adjoining property in Graflinger Str. 224. As a result, the company premises expanded by 5,900 m” and 1,875 m” of production and warehouse space and 880 m” office space. A part of the area is subleased to other industries.
Strategic partnership with the machine tool manufacturer AXA Development and Engineering GmbH from Schöppingen. RILE is preferred automation partner of the machine tool manufacturer. Initial projects are being realized together.

Purchase of 3 pcs Heller MC MCS 350 machine tool centers (X=1.250; Y=1.000; Z=1.000 mm). These three machines will be used as a Flexible Manufacturing System where workpieces and tools are fully automated by RILE and the tool centers are equipped with a storage system. Start of production was March 2012.

Implementation of a new air-conditioned CMM measuring room in hall 3, which is equipped with a brand-new Zeiss Prismo Navigator (measuring range: 1600 x 3000 x 1000). Purchase of a new lathe for the apprentice shop to educate young people to be a skilled worker: Hurco TMM 10, CNC turning machine, turning diameter max. 295 mm /turning length max. 750 mm
Sales launch of the RILE FMS. Experience that was made with the three machine tool centers, which went into operations in 2012, fully automated regarding tools and parts (pallets), is now made available to third parties.
Acquisition of an adjoining property in Graflinger Str. 228. A part of the area is subleased to other industries.
Extension to factory premises for our new precision measuring room 3
Invest in a CNC-Vertical Lathe and Milling Centre from PIETRO CARNAGHI, in a CNC-Milling and Turning Machining Centre from Bimatec Soraluce, a CNC-Measurement Machine Zeiss MMZ and in a Gear shaping machine from LIEBHERR.
Start of construction of our new hall 7 and hall 8.
Finalization of the construction of our new hall 7 and hall 8.
Establishment of the new division RILE Lightweight Design:
Production of lightweight components made of fiber composite materials (e.g .: carbon, fiberglass)
70th anniversary of RILE-Group and inauguration of the new production halls.
Investment in a gantry milling machine for large machining up to Ø 5300 mm.
RILE is a value-adding partner for machine construction and the capital goods industry. It covers 70,000m2 with 35,000m2 of production and warehouse space. The assembly area measures 3,500m2 and the company boasts an extensive warehouse zone of 9,200m2 roofed space and also 2,400m2 office space. These premises, nearly 250 ideally qualified employees, and 50 of the most up-to-date CNC machine tools, enable a broad spectrum of products to be manufactured. Thanks to 70 years of production experience and efficient processes, RILE is able to offer you the following services:
- Design of machines and plants in accordance with your requirements
- CNC machining of all cast, steel, aluminum, non-ferrous metal, and titanium alloys up to a block with a side length of 2500 mm, a diameter of 5300 mm, and a unit weight of 20 tons
- Assembly of plug-and-play components
- Production and assembly of complex and demanding machines and of entire plants
- One-source factory automation (system integration) using robots and handling systems, flexible conveying systems, and diverse automation components
- Production of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) in order to automate machine tool centers regarding workpieces and tools, including a master control software. This control is used to supply the machines with parts or tools to finish the work orders in time. The system includes a shelf system to store either pallets or / and raw materials and finished products
- Carbon processing and
- Industrial Painting
The benchmark of our work is our customers' satisfaction.
Your message to us
Contact details
Graflingerstraße 226
94469 Deggendorf
Phone +49 (0)991/2507-0
Fax +49 (0)991/2507-211
E-Mail rile(at)