RILE System-Integration

Tailored solutions


In the automation of machining tools, work pieces often still need to be subjected to certain hand-work. As well as mounting and washing, this includes tasks related to the machining or burring of tools, such as:

01. Burring

The removal of burrs from a work piece being processed. Our tools enable the creation of defined contours and the adjustment of variations in cast dimensions.

02. Drilling

Onerous drilling operations can be carried out by a robot during primary processing time. The RILE drilling tool can be used to remove undercuts, especially for hydraulic parts.

03. Brushing/grinding/polishing

The brushing, polishing, and/or grinding of work pieces often takes place right at the end of the production process. A robot that removes your parts from the machine can carry out this task. This removes the need for onerous extra work.