RILE System-Integration
Tailored solutions
Supply Chain Management
On the basis of your parts lists as maintained in our PPS system, we can also take on the procurement of all single parts and components that are required to manufacture your product or machine; you pay an additional material overheads charge. If required, we can use your own negotiated suppliers, but we also have a solid supplier network. This service means that you do not have to spend time on monitoring various delivery dates; since you receive your product from a single source, there is only one delivery date - that of RILE - to be taken into consideration.
Surfaces are blasted and your parts are painted in-house at RILE. Alternative surface treatments can be provided by our solid supplier network which encompasses suppliers within a 100-km radius. This ensures that all providers are nearby.
The data for your component and machine/plant is stored in the PSI Penta PPS system - right down to the very last detail. Each part has a corresponding work plan and/or supplier reference. This enables careful cost determination and monitoring. Processing times and restocking terms are also documented.
All parts are stored in our company warehouse. Adherence to minimum stock levels ensure the speedy delivery of spare parts.